Careers at Zurich

Are you interested in working in a stimulating and challenging environment? Do you want to contribute to our purpose to protect, to inspire confidence and to help you reach your full potential?
Are you looking for growth opportunities beyond simply a career? Then Zurich could be just the place for you.

Careers at Zurich
Our Stories
At Zurich, we have made a promise to each and every employee, to focus on opportunities and challenges, to care about each other’s wellbeing, to use our diverse expertise to be curious and optimistic to take charge of developing the skills needed for our future.
  • 我是罗勇波(Andy Luo)毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)研究生院安全技术及工程专业,具备丰富施工现场管理经验以及财产工程险领域核保经验,在加入苏黎世之前,曾任职于大型化工设计院及多家外资财产保险公司。

    “态度决定一切”  - 对于工作或者个人事业而言,每个人都有不同的认知和感受,我对工作的态度就是选择自己所喜爱的,并尽其所能把它打磨到极致。


    Andy Luo
    Guangdong Branch General Manager
    Property & Engineering Senior Manager
  • 2023年是我加入苏黎世中国的第五年,也是成为一名核保的第九年。作为员工,在苏黎世我感受到关怀和尊重;作为核保,苏黎世是一个挑战与机会并存的舞台,在这里接受挑战、不断突破、终能收获成长实现自我价值。在苏黎世,与优秀的同行者一起,成为更好的自己!

    Yolanda Wang
    Financial Line Manager
  • Following my graduation from college, I joined Zurich. As a MIS major student, I learned that I could learn far more here than in school after a 3-month internship. Zurich, one of the leaders in global finance, continues to make significant investments in IT. Every year, new IT innovations are brought to Zurich. Additionally, I have the opportunity to participate in numerous local, regional, and even international projects in Zurich, which enables me to learn from actual experts from around the globe.
    I have to say, joining Zurich would have been one of the best decisions I made in my life, and I really enjoy to work here!

    Shane Zhou
    IT Senior Supervisor
  • 作为应届生加入苏黎世,我在这里度过了从学校到社会的转型时光。苏黎世让我每天都面对不一样的挑战,也让我更快适应工作环境,更好地运用专业知识来全身心投入到工作中。同时,苏黎世也提供与世界各地的同事学习交流的机会,这使我开拓了视野,学习了其他国家同职能的同事的工作经验并更好的将其融入我的日常工作。


    Rebecca Ni
    Actuarial Supervisor

  • I’ve been working in Zurich for more than a decade. I wasn't sure how far I could go when I firstly joined this organization. In the following years, I gained a lot on global perspective, integrity, vitality, teamwork, various possibilities etc.. Working in Zurich and concentrating on reinsurance allowed me to keep growing all these years and keep finding new things to learn. I hope you all can find your calling in Zurich and become shining stars of yourself there.

    Yue Pan
    Reinsurance Senior Manager
  • In Zurich, make yourself a better.

    In 2016, I joined Zurich as a claims adjuster. In the past few years, I broadened my vision, improved my professional skills, and have a good understanding of great working culture.
    In here, we have a good team, more opportunities to realize your own value and care more about your personal development.
    I have gained a lot both in work and life. In a word, joining Zurich was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    Jacon Wan
    Claims Manager
Customer Service Hotline


Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm (except public holidays)
Room T12, 32F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Avenue, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 200120, China

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